10 Great Reason For Outsourcing Your Payroll

COST Big businesses can afford to maintain big payroll departments. For small businesses however, an in-house payroll service is a money burner. If you calculate the hours your employees spend on payroll-related activities, plus payroll software costs, training costs, printers, printing and distributing payslips, creating tax documents etc, you could be surprised by the result […] Read more »

Real Time Information: An Introduction

By now you would surely have heard about Real Time Information (RTI), the completely new system of reporting PAYE to HMRC. Starting from April 2013, under RTI, employers will submit information about PAYE payments to HMRC online throughout the year, rather than at the end of the year. Every time you process your payroll, your […] Read more »

Paye Late Filing Penalties

HMRC have addressed the concerns about the delay in informing employers of late PAYE end of year returns and subsequent penalties. In previous years, employers who did not file their annual P35 return by 19 May incurred penalties of £100 per 50 or fewer employees for each month that their return was late. In some […] Read more »

Tax Year End Preparations

The end of another tax year is approaching. This is a busy time for payrollers and there are numerous payment and reporting deadlines to be met if penalties are to be avoided. It is vital that employers and their agents understand what needs to be done and when, and that they have all the required […] Read more »

Autumn Statement 2011

Chancellor George Osborne delivered his Autumn Statement to Parliament on Tuesday 29th November. Since the March budget a number of consultation papers and discussion documents have been published by HMRC. Draft legislation relating to many of these areas will be published on 6th December 2011. Here are some of the proposals: Personal Tax for 2012/13 […] Read more »