No more P35 Questions

HMRC has said that from 6th March 2015, the end of tax year P35 checklist will no longer be required. Employers will still however be required to report the Final Submission for the Year indicator with either their RTI Full Payment Submission (FPS) or EPS. The end of year checklist consists of seven declaration questions but HMRC states this is now part of the ‘defunct’ P35 process.

This notification has been made rather late though for many employers as not all software developers may have made the appropriate adjustments in time for the 2014/15 year end, so some employers may still have to complete the P35 checklist as usual. The removal of the checklist does not affect any other part of the year end process or it’s deadlines. The deadline date for the final FPS submission is 19th April. Once passed, any further change can only be made through the submission of an Earlier Year Update (EYU). p35

About Tania

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